~French Vanilla~

Welcome to French Vanilla – a bright speck in the virtual world

That Perfect Moment

Last night, after a very long time, a couple of years to be specific, I had a moment of absolute peace. Everything seemed to align. I used to be very close to this head space years ago. Not at that perfect point, but damn near close to it. It was then when I had that…

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A Pandemic Christmas

Christmas, that special time of year that was the highlight of my life, at least until 2018. Stuff happened, and it has extinguished the flame of this beautiful season. I have been trying to revive it, but it was making me feel even more sad. Today though, I realised something, all the stuff that happened…

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BTS – Bangtan Boys. Jin, Jimin, V, RM, Suga, Jungkook and J-Hope: group members. For most people BTS needs no introduction, but for the ones out there that do not know them – they are a South Korean boy band that has taken the world by storm. Wait, don’t leave just yet. They aren’t just…

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My Space

Today I took a break from Life. It was exactly what I needed. Work has been getting out of control. I feel like nothing is going my way. Whatever I do seems like it is nothing. I put in so much effort on important tasks this year. But I don’t think it made a difference.…

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13 Life Songs

Taylor Swift – this sums up quite a bit of my playlist. I love her, she is awesome, wish we were friends. Each of her albums has somehow synced up with phases in my life. I can pick a Taylor Swift song for any mood that I may be in. But this post isn’t just…

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Another Perfect Moment (A glimpse into the future perhaps….)

I was sitting on the green lawn, under the shade extending just at the entrance of the house. Benji and Whiskey were running around, chasing each other and occasionally coming to me for a little petting. It was early afternoon, but the weather was pleasant, a cool breeze blew every now and then. The sky…

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A Sweet Call

It was pitch dark outside, except for the string of lights Min set up at the picnic table. It kind of reminded me of the current scene around the world. COVID-19 – the darkness, tiny sparks of happiness – the picnic table. It was quite late at night, but I couldn’t help myself. That bright…

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Lakeside Picnic

Today we had a picnic by the lake, and guess who joined me – Callie and Shelly. I’ve been friends with these girls for centuries(exaggeration), we go way back. We met up in person after a very long time though. Minseok was away for the entire day for a shoot. I wanted them to meet…

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Perfect Moment – A Sweet Night

It was a cool summer’s night at Lake 192. Min and I had just gotten done with dinner. We fed our puppies, Benjamin and Whiskey too, and the four of us went out for a night stroll. It started out fun, until Benjamin decided to make a run for it, which in turn led to…

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If you like sweet moments that come into existence when reality and dreams cross paths, look no further that Perfect Snapshots.

For the one thinking about the true meaning of life, well Life is the space for you.

Music and shows influence the creator of French Vanilla in a special way. To get a glimpse into their special bond check out Music and Shows.

A sprinkling of thoughts on fashion can be found at Fashion.

For a glance at photos have a look at Gallery.

Instagram: French Vanilla

Twitter: French Vanilla

Facebook: French Vanilla